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Knowing which road to travel
Saturday, March 1, 2025 by Brave Knight Writers
Led by the Spirit
I’ve traveled an interesting path in my writing journey recently. It’s funny how we think
we may have an idea of God’s intention for us, only to find He planned something else
As a recently retired teacher, I pictured that I’d be teaching English online, tutoring, or
writing for corporations. Possibly I’d try substitute teaching.
God thought maybe I should write devotionals for children. So I’ll present a little sneak
peek into that process. It sure feels like it’s God-led, because it seems to be working
well and is an engaging, interesting, and even fun pursuit.
Everything else I’ve tried to pursue as a retirement job has been a dead end. Some of
the STOP! Turn Back! Signs are so obvious that I have to chuckle. More than a few of
the rejection letters are kind and encouraging, so that’s positive.
The ‘coincidences’ that pushed me into this pursuit could no longer be ignored
When I sit down to write a devotional, one verse’s message leads to another verse, then
another, and before I know it, hours have gone by with me happily creating a devotional.
Our Creator God is pleased when His children create with the goal of bringing glory to
I wrote entries for writing contests recently, so I’ll include them as well. The first contest
prompted the writer to write a thank-you card to the person who gave them the best gift
Eternally grateful to you.
You make me feel so cherished, so loved, so sure of my place beside you. One afternoon’s event
cemented this eternally into my soul.
Everyone around us sees the difference you’ve made in my life. You met an overworked mom,
took me from a 70-hour-a-week hell and helped me build a career with evenings, holidays, and
summers off, better working conditions, and better pay. That was a lot of effort on your part, but
that’s not the best part.
I thought I wasn’t smart enough to go to college. You insisted I try, and now two master’s
degrees later, I must admit you were right. Those degrees make every day better. But it’s not the
nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.
You cooked, you cleaned, you chauffeured my kids around, filled in when they didn’t complete
their paper route, did laundry, and packed lunches. All while working 70-hour weeks yourself.
Not that.
You took me on vacations to Europe, bought me decent clothes, brought my mother flowers,
insisted I show her respect. Still not the best of it.
Exploring the Caribbean, motorcycling the west, and hiking along the coasts of Cornwall and
Washington State, we had the time of our lives together. A single working mom would not likely
have pulled that off. But there’s more.
Knowing my true love, you spent $400 on coffee during one vacation. That made life better for
both of us! But no.
We adopted animals you would rather someone else rescue. That’s been an interesting path.
Especially the ever-increasing flock of ducks. But that’s not it.
My grandkids run to you with arms wide open because they know you are their loving Pappy.
They don’t have any idea how much you’ve sacrificed your blood, sweat, tears, and cash to help
provide a good life for them. They just know you’re loving, thoughtful, and fun. But those are
just aspects of you that have benefited me and my family.
You taught me life skills, such as to recognize my worth, to see and open doors of opportunity,
and to show gratefulness to those who have helped me. My critical thinking skills have improved
just from doing life with you. That’s not the best gift.
The nicest gift I’ve ever received this side of heaven? I get to decide this. It’s not subjective, not
for someone else to determine.
So, thank you for this… I’ll never forget the day we went to Rocky Springs and chose our burial
plots, side by side. You paid for it, joking about mineral rights. Years later, my heart is still full of
the delicious sweetness of knowing you want to spend eternity next to me. I’ve always thought,
maybe in the afterlife I’ll finally be able to sing, so you won’t need to inch away from me.
Ironically, our kids will probably cremate us and forget our burial place. But it’s ok, because I
know your intention.
I’ll see you on the other side.
This contest prompted the writer to choose 1 word for the new year, and why it should be the
theme word for the year.
Word for the Year 2025
And the winner is… Let’s!
It’s a simple word, let’s. Yet it can be used in so many different contexts. Let’s begin the year
with good intentions, resolutions, and hopefulness. Let’s grant others the grace to define their
own 2025, their unique resolution that resonates with them in their current state of being.
Let’s remember and welcome the goodness of God or at least goodness and light into every
aspect of life, to enrich and improve us. Let’s shine, so friends and family see that we endeavor
to let peace flow through us. Let’s pray our world moves into and through this year with
increasing peace and prosperity.
Let’s play. Just for the sake of playing. Play is so important to health and happiness. It’s a little
slice of heaven.
Let’s encourage the children to play, let them explore, let them discover. Every turn of their lives
needs someone to let them develop in the manner best suited to childhood. Let’s take them
outside to enjoy fresh air. Let’s let them get some vitamin D, soaking up the sunshine. Let’s let
them splash in puddles. Better yet, let’s splash with them!
Let’s feed our bodies well, in addition to feeding our souls. Let’s slow down and enjoy family
and friends as we dine together. Let’s investigate what is a good path for our nutrition. Let’s be
intentional with our choices in food and drink.
Let’s use our money wisely, with planning and forethought. Let’s not throw it to the wind on any
newly incurred interest payments.
Let’s remember those less fortunate, there’s never any shortage. (The poor will be with you
always.) Let’s take some of our resources that we’ve been intentional with and throw it their
Let’s dream up new and glorious ways to play and interact and just be. We are supposed to be
human beings, not human doings. Let’s let that happen.
Let’s is a word for all of us. Every good thing I plan for me; I wish for all. Let’s keep trying,
always learning and improving our own life, and the lives of others.
Let’s get to the end of 2025, and tell ourselves in truth, we did the best we could with what we
had, and let’s do it again next year!
Why let’s instead of I’ll? Because we are social creatures. Because it’s about more than just me.
Because hopefully I’ll be able to encourage and assist you on your journey. Let’s move onward
and upward!
Why a word with a contraction? Because I like to think outside the box. It’s made life interesting.
Here are a few excerpts from my book, Daily Devotions for Brave Knights, due out
in July of ’25.
What is a Brave Knight?
Strives to help others develop
They go out into the world and make it better.
They quit thinking about themselves, other than to make themselves the best they can
be in every way—spiritually, physically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially.
They serve others
This all makes life very meaningful.
We are all made in the image of God and He set us in a beautiful world—to make it
even better.
TODAY’S SCRIPTURE – Psalm 84:12 Happy is the person who trusts in you, LORD of
TODAY’S QUESTION- In what ways can we show God we are trusting in Him?
REFLECT on the SCRIPTURE- Brave Knights face spiritual warfare, but with the LORD
on their side.
TODAY’S SCRIPT- Trust in the LORD, whatever your day brings.
TODAY’S SCRIPTURE Luke 2: 18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the
shepherds said to them.
TODAY’S QUESTION- Do you think it was for the rest of their lives?
REFLECT on the SCRIPTURE-Think how excited the shepherds would have stayed,
continuing to amaze everyone with the message.
TODAY’S SCRIPT-Today, remember to carry God’s word with you in your heart into the
new year, and remember to be a Brave Knight!
TODAY’S SCRIPTURE- Isaiah 58: 6-8
TODAY’S QUESTION- How can we show God’s love to those near to us today?
REFLECT on the SCRIPTURE- What is God telling us about what He finds acceptable?
TODAY’S SCRIPT- Starting with your own flesh and blood (your family) help somebody
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jan From Graham, NC At 3/3/2025 10:59:42 AM
Your essay on thankfulnes/gratitude was so touching and wonderfully written that it made me cry. Great job. I also enjoyed the Let's essay. The children's devotions are coming along very well. I will look forward to their publication to buy copies for the great grands. Love you guys.Previous Posts
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