About The Authors

William A. Wright (Bill) and Dale Ann Edmiston (Brave Knight Writers) are a husband-and-wife writing team who live in Pennsylvania. Bill gets the ideas, discusses them with Dale Ann, and writes up the draft; Dale Ann then works on the content and line edits.

Our theme is all about spiritual warfare (hence the brave knights), because all of our stories feature a character tapping into courage received through God's grace. 

Most of Bill’s inspiration comes from life experience. Bill and Dale Ann have hiked and motorcycled through much of North America., Eurpoe, and the Caribbean islands. Their works include several short stories and novel-length fiction creations.

Bill writes and operates a hobby farm. He has won awards for flash fiction at Saint Davids Christian Writers’ Conference, An Air force veteran. Dale Ann edits and recently retired from directing an early childhood preschool laboratory at a high school. She earned two master’s degrees from Edinboro University. Committed to the writing craft, we attend writing conferences, and have completed master’s level writing courses at Southern New Hampshire University. Our latest endeavor is as food writers for FoodFaithFitness. Follow the link to find interesting and delicious recipes! 


Interview with William A. Wright (Bill) and Dale Ann Edmiston

Do you have any hobbies?
Bicycling, especially the Great Allegheny Passage lately. Also, all of the fantastic bicycle trails in Western PA. Organic gardening (asparagus, green beans, carrots, and beets are our favorites).

What is your favorite vacation spot?
Love to stay home, although we’ve been a lot of places, we don’t typically revisit the same place

If you were given a ticket to anywhere and spending money to indulge, where would you go?
New Zealand

Do you have pets?
Currently, 1 beagle, and a cat for each floor of the house (3). We had ducks and chickens in the past.

What is your favorite color and what do you love about it?
Gray, apparently. We have a gray stone house.

What was your favorite book as a child?
“The Young Children’s Shelf of Books”, all the Bobbsey Twins and Nancy Drews, and by age 11, Taylor Caldwell

What is one thing about yourself you’d like to change or are trying to work on?
Better marketing skills

What music genre/singer/band is your go-to for a bad day? For working?
Top Christian/ 3rd Day/Lauren Daigle/Hillsong United

Do you re-read books? If so, is there one in particular?
Yes, The Weight of Glory by C.S. Lewis, The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis

Are you an introvert, extravert, or ambivert?

Does pineapple go on pizza?
and with salmon

How many places have you lived?
too numerous to count, but started here, also the west, the south, and Europe

What was your first job?
Bill- Dad’s Dairy Queen- (age 12)
Dale-Ann Paper route (9th birthday)

What is your favorite down time activity?

Are you an outdoor type? Have a green thumb?
Yes and yes on both counts for both of us

If you could live inside a movie, which would you choose and which character would you be?
Don’t pay much attention to movies, although we are looking forward to Antonio Sabato Jr.’s new production company.

Are you the type to take a dare?

Do you have a favorite motto or quote that applies to your own life?
Phil 4: 8 &9

What is one thing you’ve learned through experience that you’d love to pass along to others?
Pray. Early and often.

What books, other than your own, would you highly recommend?
Anything by C.S. Lewis, John Eldredge, or Priscilla Shirer

On to writing: what inspired you to start creating stories/non-fiction? How long ago?
Bill’s Irish. A need to embellish, I guess. He has helped me so much with my life and career, 
I want to help him with his writing endeavors.

How do you choose your settings (fiction) or topics (non-fiction)?
Places we’ve been and people we’ve talked with.

Can you tell us a bit about your path to publication?
Self published Havasupai in 2015, St. Croix in 2020, and Instead, by Grace in 2021. Bought and read every book on publishing there is.

Finally, please tell us about your books and add your website so we can find you: 
Havasupai - Adventure leads to redemption

St. Croix:- the novel-Adventure leads to renewal

Instead, by Grace: from dark to light  Believing leads to recovery

St. Croix: Through the Wall- Adventure leads to rebirth

Paper Alley - The power of Believing

Above and Beyond      Adventures of a radio operator in WWII

The Gift - trilogy of St. Croix

Hitchers - Adventures in 1969