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Young Families of Faith
Sunday, September 3, 2023 by Brave Knight Writers
We frequent a quaint restaurant situated in a most unusual location and every visit has a unique element to it. Sometimes we’re greeted by the owner’s Maine coon cat. One time, as the evening grew chilly, the owner ran next door to their home to gather sweaters for customers. Or the time we were accompanied by young grandchildren, and the owner brought us sliced apples for the kids to feed to the horses behind the restaurant. Georgetown Eats literally sits surrounded by farmland. It took a lot of courage to open an eatery in this location, but they serve awesome meals, so crowds gather. Like I said, it’s quaint, so it doesn’t take much to have a crowd. On their patio, they have five tables sheltered by red umbrellas. We always choose to sit outside during summer.
One evening this summer, we had the most unique of all our experiences. This post honors the guests we shared this experience with. Our story centers around the courage of a young couple we met. On our approach to the patio, I noticed a young couple, the man had an athletic build, close-cropped hair and strong jaw, the woman across from him was his equal. They leaned into each other speaking softly. We took our place at our usual table near theirs and ordered our drinks. At another table several older couples were seated or standing deep in chat while waiting for a table inside. One gentleman walked over to us with a warm greeting and introduced himself as an attorney in a nearby town. As our conversation progressed it turned to local crime. Our home intrusion in 2018 became the subject, and the clean-cut young man sitting with his wife turned and identified himself as one of the responding state police officers. Our jaws dropped, what were the chances? Although it had been five years, he said he could never forget the night it happened. He apologized for the delayed response time, said they had many drug-fueled events that night. My words can never convey what a busy night for a police officer means, but on this particular one, I knew there had been several burglaries.
The focus of the conversation turned toward the officer. He told us the perpetrator of our home intrusion still runs the streets and has not turned his life around. In fact, the officer and his partner had recently given chase to him through some local woods. When I asked the officer about his own background, he responded that he served more than one hitch in the military, with several tours of duty in the middle east. We know that now, every night he goes out and puts his life on the line to keep the public safe. The officer and his wife said they love our country and pray for it.
We were overwhelmed by the courage to face the tasks he does, but also the courage of his wife to wait at home for a safe return. These are the types we need to celebrate, no undue drama or self-focused confusion, but real-life courage. When the waitress brought their meal, they said grace. It was their anniversary; they had a toddler at home and an infant in a car seat with them. Wholesome families are the backbone of this nation. They don’t get enough press, they don’t want any either. You can tell, they were very humble, and with brief answers to our inquiries. His wife did comment on the stress of being a police officer’s wife.
We assured them we are grateful for his service and both of their sacrifices. We know another family with a police officer, who serves in a very rough community. These men and their families are true heroes, our police are given a very bad rap by the media. We all need to pray for our police and their families. When we left the restaurant that evening, I saw hope for our nation. It does the heart so much good to talk to people who love this country, love their children, and trust in God. Lord, place a hedge of protection around them and their families.
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