St. Croix: through the wall

St. Croix: through the wall
Is refuge a place or a state of mind?
An imbalance of energy can wreak havoc in the visible world. So it is with spiritual energies in the invisible provinces. In the eye of a hurricane, there can be peace, even as destruction swirls beyond the eye wall. Only a fool rests in the eye of a storm, for at any time a rogue wave can plunder.
Beyond the wall, beyond the storm, is where true peace can be found in the visible world. So it is with those storms in the spiritual realm. What is through the wall of the unseen cosmos, where spirits dwell? Is there rebellion and warfare in the other plane? Or does peace prevail? Spiritual chaos spills into the touchable sphere and one solution saves.
This is the sequel to St. Croix: the novel. Available on Amazon
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